L1 Market Data


L1 (Level 1) market data represents the most basic and essential real-time market information, consisting of the best bid and ask prices (BBO), last trade price, and associated volumes for a financial instrument. It forms the foundation of market data services and is crucial for basic price discovery and trading decisions.

Understanding L1 market data

L1 data provides the fundamental building blocks of market information:

  • Best bid price and size
  • Best ask price and size
  • Last trade price and size
  • Trading status
  • Daily statistics (high, low, volume)

This data represents the most condensed view of market activity and is essential for:

  • Basic price discovery
  • Trading decisions
  • Market monitoring
  • Simple trading algorithms

Market data hierarchy

L1 sits at the base of the market data hierarchy:

Importance in trading systems

L1 data serves several critical functions in modern trading systems:

Price discovery

L1 provides the most efficient way to monitor current market prices across multiple instruments. The bid-ask spread calculated from L1 data is a fundamental measure of trading costs and market efficiency.

Market quality monitoring

Trading venues and market makers use L1 data to track basic market quality metrics and ensure orderly trading conditions.

Feed handler optimization

L1 feeds typically require less processing compared to L2 or L3 data, making them ideal for applications where minimal latency is critical.

Next generation time-series database

QuestDB is an open-source time-series database optimized for market and heavy industry data. Built from scratch in Java and C++, it offers high-throughput ingestion and fast SQL queries with time-series extensions.

Business applications

Trading systems

  • Price validation for order entry
  • Basic algorithmic trading signals
  • Market making systems
  • Risk management checks

Market surveillance

  • Quote monitoring
  • Trading pattern analysis
  • Basic market manipulation detection


  • Time-weighted average price (TWAP) calculations
  • Basic transaction cost analysis
  • Market quality metrics

Performance considerations

L1 data requires specific handling for optimal performance:

Throughput characteristics

  • Lower bandwidth requirements compared to L2/L3
  • Higher update frequencies for liquid instruments
  • Predictable message sizes

Latency requirements

  • Critical for market making and arbitrage
  • Typical processing targets in microseconds
  • Important for tick-to-trade latency calculations

Implementation best practices

When working with L1 data:

  1. Implement efficient update mechanisms
  2. Use appropriate timestamp resolution
  3. Consider message coalescing for high-update securities
  4. Maintain redundant feeds for reliability
  5. Monitor feed gaps and latency

Market data distribution

L1 data is typically distributed through:

The choice of distribution method often depends on:

  • Latency requirements
  • Cost considerations
  • Geographic location
  • Regulatory requirements
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