Schema Design Essentials

This guide covers key concepts and best practices to take full advantage of QuestDB's performance-oriented architecture, highlighting some important differences with most databases.

QuestDB's single database model

QuestDB has a single database per instance. Unlike PostgreSQL and other database engines, where you may have multiple databases or multiple schemas within an instance, in QuestDB, you operate within a single namespace.

The default database is named qdb, and this can be changed via configuration. However, unlike a standard SQL database, there is no need to issue USE DATABASE commands. Once connected, you can immediately start querying and inserting data.

Multi-tenancy considerations

If you need multi-tenancy, you must manage table names manually, often by using prefixes for different datasets. Since QuestDB does not support multiple schemas, this is the primary way to segment data. In QuestDB Enterprise, you can enforce permissions per table to restrict access, allowing finer control over multi-tenant environments.

Here are common patterns for implementing multi-tenancy:

Customer-specific tables

-- Customer-specific trading data
CREATE TABLE customer1_trades (
timestamp TIMESTAMP,
symbol SYMBOL,
price DOUBLE

CREATE TABLE customer2_trades (
timestamp TIMESTAMP,
symbol SYMBOL,
price DOUBLE

Environment or region-based separation

-- Production vs. Development environments
CREATE TABLE prod_metrics (
timestamp TIMESTAMP,
metric_name SYMBOL,
value DOUBLE
) TIMESTAMP(timestamp);

CREATE TABLE dev_metrics (
timestamp TIMESTAMP,
metric_name SYMBOL,
value DOUBLE
) TIMESTAMP(timestamp);

-- Regional data separation
CREATE TABLE eu_users (
timestamp TIMESTAMP,
user_id SYMBOL,
action SYMBOL
) TIMESTAMP(timestamp);

CREATE TABLE us_users (
timestamp TIMESTAMP,
user_id SYMBOL,
action SYMBOL
) TIMESTAMP(timestamp);

Department or team-based separation

-- Department-specific analytics
CREATE TABLE sales_daily_stats (
timestamp TIMESTAMP,
region SYMBOL,
revenue DOUBLE

CREATE TABLE marketing_campaign_metrics (
timestamp TIMESTAMP,
campaign_id SYMBOL,
clicks LONG,
impressions LONG

When using table prefixes for multi-tenancy:

  • Use consistent naming conventions (e.g., always <tenant>_<table>)
  • Consider using uppercase for tenant identifiers to improve readability
  • Document your naming convention in your team's schema design guidelines

PostgreSQL protocol compatibility

QuestDB is not a PostgreSQL database but is compatible with the PostgreSQL wire protocol. This means you can connect using PostgreSQL-compatible libraries and clients and execute SQL commands. However, compatibility with PostgreSQL system catalogs, metadata queries, data types, and functions is limited.

While most PostgreSQL-compatible low-level libraries work with QuestDB, some higher-level components that depend heavily on PostgreSQL metadata might fail. If you encounter such a case, please report it as an issue on GitHub so we can track it.

Creating a schema in QuestDB

The easiest way to create a schema is through the Web Console or by sending SQL commands using:

Schema auto-creation with ILP protocol

When using the Influx Line Protocol (ILP), QuestDB automatically creates tables and columns based on incoming data. This is useful for users migrating from InfluxDB or using tools like InfluxDB client libraries or Telegraf, as they can send data directly to QuestDB without pre-defining schemas. However, this comes with limitations:

  • QuestDB applies default settings to auto-created tables and columns (e.g., partitioning, symbol capacity, and data types).
  • Users cannot modify partitioning or symbol capacity later, so they should create tables explicitly beforehand.
  • Auto-creation can be disabled via configuration.

The designated timestamp and partitioning strategy

QuestDB is designed for time-series workloads. The database engine is optimized to perform exceptionally well for time-series queries. One of the most important optimizations in QuestDB is that data is physically stored and ordered by incremental timestamp. Therefore, the user must choose the designated timestamp when creating a table.

The designated timestamp is crucial in QuestDB. It directly affects:

  • How QuestDB partitions data (by hour, day, week, month, or year).
  • Physical data storage order, as data is always stored sorted by the designated timestamp.
  • Query efficiency, since QuestDB prunes partitions based on the timestamp range in your query, reducing disk I/O.
  • Insertion performance, because out-of-order data forces QuestDB to rewrite partitions, slowing down ingestion.

Partitioning guidelines

When choosing the partition resolution for your tables, consider the time ranges you will query most frequently and keep in mind the following:

  • Avoid very large partitions: A partition should be at most a few gigabytes.
  • Avoid too many small partitions: Querying more partitions means opening more files.
  • Query efficiency: When filtering data, QuestDB prunes partitions, but querying many partitions results in more disk operations. If most of your queries span a monthly range, weekly or daily partitioning sounds sensible, but hourly partitioning might slow down your queries.
  • Data ingestion performance: If data arrives out of order, QuestDB rewrites the active partition, impacting performance.

Columnar storage model and table density

QuestDB is columnar, meaning:

  • Columns are stored separately, allowing fast queries on specific columns without loading unnecessary data.
  • Each column is stored in one or two files per partition: The more columns you include in a SELECT and the more partitions the query spans, the more files will need to be opened and cached into working memory.

Sparse vs. dense tables

  • QuestDB handles wide tables efficiently due to its columnar architecture, as it will open only the column files referenced in each query.
  • Null values take storage space, so it is recommended to avoid sparse tables where possible.
  • Dense tables (where most columns have values) are more efficient in terms of storage and query performance. If you cannot design a dense table, consider creating different tables for distinct record structures.

Data types and best practices

QuestDB introduces a specialized SYMBOL data type. Symbols are dictionary-encoded and optimized for filtering and grouping:

  • Use symbols for categorical data with a limited number of unique values (e.g., country codes, stock tickers, factory floor IDs).
  • Symbols are fine for storing up to a few million distinct values but should be avoided beyond that.
  • Avoid using a SYMBOL for columns that would be considered a PRIMARY KEY in other databases.
  • If very high cardinality is expected, use VARCHAR instead of SYMBOL.
  • Symbols are compact on disk, reducing storage overhead.
  • Symbol capacity defaults to 256, but it will dynamically expand as needed, causing temporary slowdowns.
  • If you expect high cardinality, define the symbol capacity at table creation time to avoid performance issues.


  • All timestamps in QuestDB are stored in UTC at Microsecond resolution: Even if you can ingest data sending timestamps in nanoseconds, nanosecond precision is not retained.
  • The TIMESTAMP type is recommended over DATETIME, unless you have checked the data types reference and you know what you are doing.
  • At query time, you can apply a time zone conversion for display purposes.

Strings vs. varchar

  • Avoid STRING: It is a legacy data type.
  • Use VARCHAR instead for general string storage.


  • QuestDB has a dedicated UUID type, which is more efficient than storing UUIDs as VARCHAR.

Other data types

  • Booleans: true/false values are supported.
  • Bytes: BYTES type allows storing raw binary data.
  • IPv4: QuestDB has a dedicated IPv4 type for optimized IP storage and filtering.
  • Several numeric datatypes are supported.
  • Geo: QuestDB provides spatial support via geohashes.

Referential integrity, constraints, and deduplication

  • QuestDB does not enforce PRIMARY KEYS, FOREIGN KEYS, or NOT NULL constraints.
  • Joins between tables work even without referential integrity, as long as the data types on the join condition are compatible.
  • Duplicate data is allowed by default, but UPSERT KEYS can be defined to ensure uniqueness.
  • Deduplication in QuestDB happens on an exact timestamp and optionally a set of other columns (UPSERT KEYS).
  • Deduplication has no noticeable performance penalty.

Schema decisions that cannot be easily changed

Some table properties cannot be modified after creation, including:

  • The designated timestamp (cannot be altered once set).
  • Partitioning strategy (cannot be changed later).
  • Symbol capacity (must be defined upfront, otherwise defaults apply).

For changes, the typical workaround is:

  1. Create a new column with the updated configuration.
  2. Copy data from the old column into the new one.
  3. Drop the old column and rename the new one.
  4. If changes affect table-wide properties (e.g., partitioning, timestamp column, or WAL settings), create a new table with the required properties, insert data from the old table, drop the old table, and rename the new table.

Examples of schema translations from other databases

-- PostgreSQL
CREATE TABLE metrics (
description VARCHAR(500),
unit VARCHAR(50),
CREATE INDEX ON metrics (name, timestamp);

-- UPSERT behavior in PostgreSQL
INSERT INTO metrics (timestamp, name, description, unit, id, value)
VALUES (...)
ON CONFLICT (timestamp, name) DO UPDATE
SET description = EXCLUDED.description,
unit = EXCLUDED.unit,
value = EXCLUDED.value;
-- Timescale
CREATE TABLE metrics (
description VARCHAR(500),
unit VARCHAR(50),
SELECT create_hypertable('metrics', 'timestamp');
CREATE INDEX ON metrics (name, timestamp);

-- UPSERT behavior in Timescale
INSERT INTO metrics (timestamp, name, description, unit, id, value)
VALUES (...)
ON CONFLICT (timestamp, name) DO UPDATE
SET description = EXCLUDED.description,
unit = EXCLUDED.unit,
value = EXCLUDED.value;
Create sample table with deduplication/upsert for DuckDB
-- DuckDB
CREATE TABLE metrics (
description VARCHAR(500),
unit VARCHAR(50),

CREATE INDEX ON metrics (name, timestamp);

-- UPSERT behavior in DuckDB
INSERT INTO metrics (timestamp, name, description, unit, id, value)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
ON CONFLICT (timestamp, name) DO UPDATE
SET description = EXCLUDED.description,
unit = EXCLUDED.unit,
value = EXCLUDED.value;
Create sample table with eventual upserts for ClickHouse
-- ClickHouse
CREATE TABLE metrics (
timestamp DateTime,
name String,
description String,
unit String,
id UUID,
value Float64
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree
ORDER BY (name, timestamp);
Create sample measure (table) for InfluxDB
-- InfluxDB measurement
measurement: metrics
name (tag)
description (tag)
unit (tag)
id (tag)
value (field)
Create sample table with deduplication/upsert for QuestDB
-- QuestDB equivalent
CREATE TABLE metrics (
timestamp TIMESTAMP, -- Explicit timestamp for time-series queries
name SYMBOL CAPACITY 50000, -- Optimized for high-cardinality categorical values
description VARCHAR, -- Free-text description, not ideal for SYMBOL indexing
unit SYMBOL CAPACITY 256, -- Limited set of unit types, efficient as SYMBOL
id UUID, -- UUID optimized for unique identifiers
value DOUBLE -- Numeric measurement field
) TIMESTAMP(timestamp)
DEDUP UPSERT KEYS(timestamp, name);