Java Client Documentation


This is the reference for the QuestDB Java Client when QuestDB is used as a server.

For embedded QuestDB, please check our Java Embedded Guide.

The QuestDB Java client is baked right into the QuestDB binary.

The client provides the following benefits:

  • Automatic table creation: No need to define your schema upfront.
  • Concurrent schema changes: Seamlessly handle multiple data streams with on-the-fly schema modifications
  • Optimized batching: Use strong defaults or curate the size of your batches
  • Health checks and feedback: Ensure your system's integrity with built-in health monitoring
  • Automatic write retries: Reuse connections and retry after interruptions

Quick start

Add a QuestDB as a dependency in your project's build configuration file.


The code below creates an instance of a client configured to use HTTP transport to connect to a QuestDB server running on localhost on port 9000. It then sends two rows, each containing one symbol and two floating-point values. The client requests the server to assign a timestamp to each row based on the server's wall-clock time.

package com.example.sender;

import io.questdb.client.Sender;

public class HttpExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Sender sender = Sender.fromConfig("http::addr=localhost:9000;")) {
.symbol("symbol", "ETH-USD")
.symbol("side", "sell")
.doubleColumn("price", 2615.54)
.doubleColumn("amount", 0.00044)
.symbol("symbol", "TC-USD")
.symbol("side", "sell")
.doubleColumn("price", 39269.98)
.doubleColumn("amount", 0.001)

The configuration for the client is specified using a configuration string. This string follows the format:


The valid transport protocols are:

  • http: ILP/HTTP
  • https: ILP/HTTP with TLS encryption
  • tcp: ILP/TCP
  • tcps: ILP/TCP with TLS encryption

A transport protocol and the key addr=host:port are required. The key addr defines the hostname and port of the QuestDB server. If the port is not specified, it defaults to 9000 for HTTP(s) transports and 9009 for TCP(s) transports. For a complete list of options, refer to the Configuration Options section.

Example with TLS and Authentication enabled

This sample configures a client to use HTTP transport with TLS enabled for a connection to a QuestDB server. It also instructs the client to authenticate using HTTP Basic Authentication.

When using QuestDB Enterprise, authentication can also be done via REST token. Please check the RBAC docs for more info.

package com.example.sender;

import io.questdb.client.Sender;

public class HttpsAuthExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Sender sender = Sender.fromConfig("https::addr=localhost:9000;username=admin;password=quest;")) {
.symbol("symbol", "ETH-USD")
.symbol("side", "sell")
.doubleColumn("price", 2615.54)
.doubleColumn("amount", 0.00044)
.symbol("symbol", "TC-USD")
.symbol("side", "sell")
.doubleColumn("price", 39269.98)
.doubleColumn("amount", 0.001)

Client instantiation

There are three ways to create a client instance:

  1. From a configuration string. This is the most common way to create a client instance. It describes the entire client configuration in a single string. See Configuration options for all available options. It allows sharing the same configuration across clients in different languages.
    try (Sender sender = Sender.fromConfig("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush_rows=5000;retry_timeout=10000;")) {
    // ...
  2. From an environment variable. The QDB_CLIENT_CONF environment variable is used to set the configuration string. Moving configuration parameters to an environment variable allows you to avoid hard-coding sensitive information such as tokens and password in your code.
    export QDB_CLIENT_CONF="http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush_rows=5000;retry_timeout=10000;"
    try (Sender sender = Sender.fromEnv()) {
    // ...
  3. Using the Java builder API. This provides type-safe configuration.
    try (Sender sender = Sender.builder(Sender.Transport.HTTP)
    .build()) {
    // ...

General usage pattern

  1. Create a client instance via Sender.fromConfig().

  2. Use table(CharSequence) to select a table for inserting a new row.

  3. Use symbol(CharSequence, CharSequence) to add all symbols. You must add symbols before adding other column type.

  4. Use the following options to add all the remaining columns:

    • stringColumn(CharSequence, CharSequence)
    • longColumn(CharSequence, long)
    • doubleColumn(CharSequence, double)
    • boolColumn(CharSequence, boolean)
    • timestampColumn(CharSequence, Instant), or timestampColumn(CharSequence, long, ChronoUnit)
  5. Use at(Instant) or at(long timestamp, ChronoUnit unit) or atNow() to set a designated timestamp.

  6. Optionally: You can use flush() to send locally buffered data into a server.

  7. Go to the step no. 2 to start a new row.

  8. Use close() to dispose the Sender after you no longer need it.


Client accumulates data into an internal buffer. Flushing the buffer sends the data to the server over the network and clears the buffer.

Flushing can be done explicitly or automatically.

Explicit flushing

An explicit flush can be done by calling the flush() method.

 try (Sender sender = Sender.fromConfig("http::addr=localhost:9000;")) {
.symbol("symbol", "ETH-USD")
.symbol("side", "sell")
.doubleColumn("price", 2615.54)
.doubleColumn("amount", 0.00044)
.symbol("symbol", "TC-USD")
.symbol("side", "sell")
.doubleColumn("price", 39269.98)
.doubleColumn("amount", 0.001)

Automatic flushing

To avoid accumulating very large buffers, the client will - by default - flush the buffer automatically.

HTTP auto-flushing is triggered when appending a row to the internal buffer and the buffer either:

  • Reaches 75,000 rows
  • Hasn't been flushed for 1 second.

Both parameters control batching and can be customized. Larger batches can improve throughput, but can increase lag between data ingestion and visibility in a target table. Smaller batches can reduce this lag, but can also reduce throughput.

A configuration string example that auto-flushes every 10 rows or every 10 seconds, whichever comes first:


An example with auto-flushing disabled:


TCP auto-flushing is triggered when appending a row to the internal sender buffer and the buffer is full.

Auto-flushing is also triggered when the client is being closed. Be aware that retrying of failed requests is disabled when flushing on close.

Error handling

The HTTP transport supports automatic retries for failed requests deemed recoverable. Recoverable errors include network errors, some server errors, and timeouts, while non-recoverable errors encompass invalid data, authentication errors, and other client-side errors.

Retrying is particularly beneficial during network issues or when the server is temporarily unavailable. The retrying behavior can be configured through the retry_timeout configuration option or via the builder API with retryTimeoutMillis(long timeoutMillis). The client continues to retry recoverable errors until they either succeed or the specified timeout is reached. Upon reaching the timeout, the client ceases retry attempts and throws LineSenderException.

When utilizing the HTTP transport, the client can be reused after receiving an error. Conversely, a client using TCP transport should be discarded after an error, necessitating the creation of a new client.

Retrying is disabled for failed requests when executing a flush upon closure.

The TCP transport lacks support for error propagation from the server. In such cases, the server merely closes the connection upon encountering an error, which manifests as a LineSenderException on the client side. Consequently, the client receives no additional error information from the server. This limitation significantly contributes to the preference for HTTP transport over TCP transport.

Designated timestamp considerations

The concept of designated timestamp is important when ingesting data into QuestDB.

There are two ways to assign a designated timestamp to a row:

  1. User-assigned timestamp: The client assigns a specific timestamp to the row.

    java.time.Instant timestamp =; // or any other timestamp
    .symbol("symbol", "ETH-USD")
    .symbol("side", "sell")
    .doubleColumn("price", 2615.54)
    .doubleColumn("amount", 0.00044)

    The Instant class is part of the java.time package and is used to represent a specific moment in time. The method can accept a long timestamp representing the elapsed time since the beginning of the Unix epoch, as well as a ChronoUnit to specify the time unit. This approach is useful in high-throughput scenarios where instantiating an Instant object for each row is not feasible due to performance considerations.

  2. Server-assigned timestamp: The server automatically assigns a timestamp to the row based on the server's wall-clock time. Example:

    .symbol("symbol", "ETH-USD")
    .symbol("side", "sell")
    .doubleColumn("price", 2615.54)
    .doubleColumn("amount", 0.00044)

We recommended to use User-assigned timestamps when ingesting data into QuestDB. Using Server-assigned hinder the ability to deduplicate rows which is important for exactly-once processing.


QuestDB works best when rows are ingested in chronological order. This means rows with older timestamps are ingested before rows with newer timestamps.

Configuration options

Client can be configured either by using a configuration string as shown in the examples above, or by using the builder API.

The builder API is available via the Sender.builder(Transport transport) method.

For a breakdown of available options, see the Configuration string page.

Other considerations

  • Refer to the ILP overview for details about transactions, error control, delivery guarantees, health check, or table and column auto-creation.
  • The method flush() can be called to force sending the internal buffer to a server, even when the buffer is not full yet.
  • The Sender is not thread-safe. For multiple threads to send data to QuestDB, each thread should have its own Sender instance. An object pool can also be used to re-use Sender instances.
  • The Sender instance has to be closed after it is no longer in use. The Sender implements the java.lang.AutoCloseable interface, and therefore the try-with-resource pattern can be used to ensure that the Sender is closed.