
This guide demonstrates how to connect QuestDB with Microsoft PowerBI to create interactive data visualizations and dashboards.


Connection Setup

QuestDB utilizes a fully featured PostgreSQL Wire Protocol (PGWire). As such, setup for PowerBI mirrors the standard PostgreSQL connection setup. The benefit is the performance profile of QuestDB, and its powerful time-series SQL extensions, with the simplicity of the PGWire protocol.

  1. Open PowerBI Desktop

  2. Click "Get Data" in the Home tab

Select Get Data
  1. Select "Database" → "PostgreSQL"
Select PostgreSQL
  1. Enter your QuestDB connection details:

    • Server: localhost (or your server address)
    • Database: qdb
    • Data Connectivity mode: Import
    • Advanced options (optional):
      • Port: 8812 (default QuestDB PGWire port)
      • Command timeout: Adjust based on your query complexity
  2. Select:

    • Database authentication:
      • User: admin
      • Password: quest
  3. Click "Connect"

Working with Data

  1. In the Navigator window, select the tables you want to analyze
  2. Click "Transform Data" to modify the data or "Load" to import it directly
  3. Create visualizations by dragging fields onto the report canvas
  4. Save your report and publish it to PowerBI Service if needed

Using Custom SQL

To leverage QuestDB-specific features like SAMPLE BY and LATEST ON, you can use custom SQL:

  1. In the "Get Data" dialog, click "Advanced options"
  2. Enter your SQL query in the "SQL statement" field
  3. Click "OK" to execute

Remember, you must include a timestamp column when using functions like SAMPLE BY.

Here are some useful query examples:

-- Get 1-hour samples of sensor readings
avg(temperature) as avg_temp,
avg(humidity) as avg_humidity
FROM sensors
WHERE timestamp >= dateadd('d', -7, now())

-- Get latest reading for each sensor
SELECT * FROM sensors
LATEST ON timestamp PARTITION BY sensor_id;

-- Combine SAMPLE BY with multiple aggregations
max(price) max_price,
min(price) min_price,
avg(price) avg_price
FROM trades
WHERE timestamp >= dateadd('M', -1, now())

Best Practices

  • Leverage timestamps functions for time-series analysis
  • Explore various aggregation functions to suit your data needs
  • Consider using powerful window functions to perform complex calculations
  • For large datasets, use incremental refresh in PowerBI


Date Table Limitations

QuestDB currently cannot be used as a source for PowerBI's "Mark as Date Table" feature. This means:

  • You cannot mark QuestDB tables as date tables in PowerBI
  • Some time intelligence functions in PowerBI may not be available
  • If you need date table functionality, consider creating it in PowerBI or using another data source

If you'd like QuestDB to support this feature, please add a 👍 to this GitHub issue.


  • If connection fails, verify your QuestDB instance is running and accessible
  • Ensure PGWire is enabled in your QuestDB configuration
  • Check that the port 8812 is open and not blocked by firewalls
  • For timeout errors, adjust the command timeout in advanced options

Further Reading