Microsoft Azure

This guide demonstrates how to spin up a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine that is running QuestDB on Ubuntu. This will help get you comfortable with Azure VM basics.


  • A Microsoft Azure account with billing enabled. Adding a credit card is required to create an account, but this demo will only use resources in the free tier.

Create an Azure VM

  1. In the Azure console, navigate to the Virtual Machines page. Once you are on this page, click the Create dropdown in the top left-hand corner of the screen and select the Azure virtual machine option.

  2. From here, fill out the required options. If you don't already have a Resource group, you can create one on this page. We made a "default" group for this example, but you are free to choose any name you like. Enter the name of your new virtual machine, as well as its desired Region and Availability Zone. Your dialog should look something like this:

The Create Instance dialog on Microsoft Azure
Click to zoom
  1. Scroll down and select your desired instance type. In this case, we used a Standard_B1s to take advantage of Azure's free tier.
  2. If you don't already have one, create a new SSH key pair to securely connect to the instance once it has been created.
The Create Instance dialog on Microsoft Azure, continued
Click to zoom
  1. We will use Azure defaults for the rest of the VM's settings. Click Review + create to confirm your settings, then Create to download your new key pair and launch the instance.
Deployment Complete
Click to zoom

Once you see this screen, click the Go to resource button and move on to the next section

Set up networking

We now need to set up the appropriate firewall rules which will allow you to connect to your new QuestDB instance over the several protocols that we support.

  1. In the Settings sidebar, click the Networking button. This will lead you to a page with all firewall rules for your instance. To open up the required ports, click the Add inbound port rule on the right-hand side.
  2. Change the Destination port ranges to the 8812,9000,9003, set the Protocol to TCP, change the name to questdb, and click the Add button. This will add the appropriate ingress rules to your instance's firewall. It may take a few seconds, and possibly a page refresh, but you should see your new firewall rule in the list. Port 8812 is used for the postgresql protocol, port 9000 is used for the web interface, the REST API, and ILP ingestion over HTTP. Port 9003 is used for metrics and health check.
Firewall rules for your Azure VM
Click to zoom

Connect to your instance and install QuestDB

Now that you've opened up the required ports, it's time to install and run QuestDB. To do this, you first need to connect to your instance over SSH. Since we named our SSH key questdb_key, this is the filename that the commands below use. You should substitute this with your own key name that you downloaded in the previous step. You also need to use your VM's external IP address instead of the placeholder that we have provided.

We first need to adjust the permissions on the downloaded file, and then use it to ssh into your instance.

chmod 400 ~/download/questdb_key.pem
ssh -i ~/download/questdb_key.pem azureuser@$YOUR_INSTANCE_IP

Once we've connected to the instance, we will use wget to download the QuestDB binary, extract it, and run the start script. Please visit the Ubuntu section at the binary installation page to make sure you are using the latest version of the binary package and replace the URL below as appropriate.

tar -xvf questdb-8.2.1-rt-linux-x86-64.tar.gz
cd questdb-8.2.1-rt-linux-x86-64/bin
./ start

Once you've run these commands, you should be able to navigate to your instance at its IP on port 9000: http://$YOUR_INSTANCE_IP:9000

Firewall rules for your Azure VM
Click to zoom

Azure Managed Disks

Azure offers a number of managed disk types. For QuestDB deployments, we recommend Premium SSD or Premium SSD v2. Which should you choose?

In general, Premium SSD v2 provides better price to performance, and is similar to AWS EBS gp3 volumes. It is easy to scale up and allocate more IOPS without increasing the overall storage size.

However, only LRS resilience is supported for this volume, so judicious use of snapshots and backups are recomended.

To support high-availibility with this volume, QuestDB Enterprise provides replication over Azure Blob Storage.

Premium SSD supports ZRS resiliency. However, it will usually be more expensive to provision, and require upping total storage size in step with IOPS. We would not recommend provisioning a disk with less than 500 MB/s of throughput for general production workloads, which would require overprovisioning storage to 8 TB or higher. Therefore, Premium SSD v2 is a superior choice for most use cases.

For development workloads, Standard SSD may be used, but will not provide representative performance.


Not all filesystems have first-class support in QuestDB. This means we do not routinely run tests against them. This includes blobfuse2, which is not currently supported by QuestDB.

For fresh deployments, we recommend ZFS, since its built-in compression will reduce spending on storage space.

Please refer to the main documentation on supported filesystems for more information.

Single Sign On with EntraID

If you are using EntraID to manage users, QuestDB enterprise offers the possibility to do Single Sign On and manage your database permissions. See more information at the Microsoft EntraID OIDC guide.