Limit Up-Limit Down (LULD)


Limit Up-Limit Down (LULD) is a market-wide mechanism that prevents trades in exchange-listed securities from occurring outside a specified price band. These price bands are set above and below a reference price, typically the average traded price over the previous five minutes, to control extreme price movements and protect market stability.

How LULD works

LULD establishes dynamic price bands around a reference price for each security. These bands prevent trades from executing at prices outside the acceptable range, helping to manage volatility and prevent erratic price movements that could disrupt orderly trading.

The mechanism operates through several key components:

Reference price calculation

The reference price is typically calculated as the mean price over the previous five-minute period. This rolling calculation ensures the bands remain responsive to genuine market movements while filtering out extreme price swings.

Price band thresholds

Price bands are set as percentage ranges around the reference price, with different percentages applying based on:

  • Security price level
  • Security type (e.g., stocks vs. ETFs)
  • Market hours (regular vs. extended trading)

For example:

  • Tier 1 securities (components of major indices): ±5% bands
  • Tier 2 securities (other listed securities): ±10% bands
  • Opening and closing periods: Doubled percentage bands

Market states under LULD

Normal trading

During normal trading, orders can execute freely within the price bands. The reference price continuously updates based on trading activity.

Limit state

When trading attempts to occur outside the price bands, the security enters a "Limit State":

  • Trading is restricted to within the price bands
  • A 15-second countdown begins
  • If trading returns within the bands, normal trading resumes
  • If not, a trading pause is triggered

Trading pause

A five-minute trading pause occurs when:

  • A security remains in Limit State for 15 seconds
  • Trading is unable to resume within the price bands
  • Extreme volatility conditions persist

Next generation time-series database

QuestDB is an open-source time-series database optimized for market and heavy industry data. Built from scratch in Java and C++, it offers high-throughput ingestion and fast SQL queries with time-series extensions.

Market impact and importance

LULD serves several critical functions in modern markets:

  1. Volatility management
  • Prevents extreme price movements
  • Reduces market disruption
  • Protects against flash crashes
  1. Market stability
  • Promotes orderly trading
  • Enhances price discovery
  • Reduces market manipulation risk
  1. Risk control

Implementation considerations

Trading systems must carefully implement LULD requirements:

  1. Data processing
  • Real-time reference price tracking
  • Dynamic band calculation
  • State transition management
  1. Order handling
  • Price validation against current bands
  • Order rejection logic
  • Trading pause procedures
  1. Risk management
  • Integration with other risk controls
  • Compliance monitoring
  • Incident response procedures

The LULD mechanism plays a vital role in modern market structure, working alongside other controls like circuit breakers and trading pauses to maintain market stability and prevent disruptive trading events.

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